Creating Powerful Low-Code Data Dashboards with Superblocks

Build and deploy a low-code data reporting web app using SuperBlocks and MongoDB in minutes.

Yaakov Bressler
11 min readJun 22, 2022

Superblocks is a powerful new way to create Data Dashboards and custom data solutions.

Superblocks is a powerful new way to create Data Dashboards and custom data solutions.

TLDR: Superblocks allows the creation of next generation data apps — characterized by low code, easy deployments, fine grained access control, and full integrations with Prod environments. Also, I built this app using Superblocks and had a really great experience.

Link to the App I built:


Building data reporting dashboards using BI tools such as Looker or Tableau are great low-code solutions for answering business questions. However, if you need something more customized, more integrated, or high-performance (e.g. ML dashboards), these solutions fall short.

In cases where customization is necessary, most data teams resolve to customized web-app based applications, like Streamlit or Plotly Dash Apps. However, these tools have gaps too — deployment can be challenging, access control (RBAC) and data governance mandates are difficult, plus…

